I don’t like it when Dad uses words I don’t know. When I don’t know a word, I have go to The Google to look it up. It’s a good thing The Google knows everything.
Dad said his boss asked him if he wanted to talk about greyhounds at her Rotary club. He asked if I wanted to come and before I even knew what a rotary is, I said, “Yes, I’m coming!” When Dad came home and got my leash, I was so excited and jumped on the door three times. I had to check out this rotary thing!
The Google said it is a civic organization that does a lot of nice things for people. I was happy to meet the nice folks of the Rotary—and tell them that one nice thing they can do is adopt a retired racer!
When we got there, they were eating lunch. The ham smelled so good. They asked Dad if I can have some, and he said yes! That’s a good start to any meet and greet. Dad got up there and talked about what great pets us greyhounds make. He showed a video too. I walked around and said hello to some folks. I think they liked me.
At the end, the Rotary asked Dad to sign a book for the library. He signed it “Dad and Sky!” My name is in the library now! Maybe one day I’ll be in The Google. As we left a nice lady asked if she could take my picture. I said of course! I like my picture being taken. Not bragging, but I’m a handsome boy with some funny ears!
Rotaries are fun, I give it 3.5 roos!