Monday, May 12, 2014

Into the sunset!

Yesterday Dad called me down into his office and said he had to talk to me. I wondered what it was about and ran quickly to find out. I like when me and Dad have talks. I don’t get in trouble much and usually when we get done talking, I get a treat cause I am a good boy.

Dad said I should sit cause this was important news. I could tell Dad was stressed right away, cause I don’t sit and he knows that. I walked over to Dad, gave him a wink, and said, “Talk to me, Dad.”

Dad told me the news; he said that he is not going to be president of ESGAO anymore. I couldn’t believe my ears cause I know Dad loves helping us Greyhounds find homes. Dad said that he had to stop being president for “personal reasons.” I am Sky and he should tell me what personal reasons mean, but what he said is that if he is not president, he will have more time to play ball with me and go for long walks!

That’s all I had to hear—if Dad wants to play more with me, then I want to play more with him. Right then and there, I decided I have personal reasons too, and it’s time for me to retire from writing my blog so I have time to play with Dad. Dad said he also wants to spend time with Petey, cause he is sick and Mom and Dad want to take good care of him.

Being a big star is a lot of pressure for a greyhound. And being a writer means spending a lot of time researching things on The Google. I’d rather research which treat is the best and see how fast I can chase the ball!

So this will be my final blog and I want to thank everyone for loving me and reading what I have to say. In a year and a half, I wrote more than 50 blogs. That’s a lot and I need a break, for personal reasons. I am so happy in my new home and my counter says that over 7,000 times folks visited to read what it is like for me to be a retired racer.

I’ll leave my blog up for awhile . . . and you never know. Maybe one day me and Dad will not have personal reasons anymore and I’ll start writing again. But for now, I am a retired, retired racing greyhound. It’s time for me to put down my pen, grab my ball and roo off into the sunset with my family and Petey— and maybe Bailey too.

Thank you again for being my fans—I will miss you. Come visit me anytime! Five roos to everyone!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Spend a Day with a Grey . . . Come home with a Stray!

Spend a Day was so much fun, I was so happy to see so many of my old friends! I wish every day was Spend A Day . . . With A Grey. I was so tired after the event that I slept for two days.

While we was there at Spend A Day, we could hear this little dog whining and crying behind a wall. He sounded so sad. When we were getting ready to leave, mom found out that he was a stray dog and that nobody loved him. He had been behind the wall for four months cause the nice person who picked him up couldn’t find out where he lived.

Mom and Dad talked about that dog the whole way home, they were very sad for him. I didn’t know this dog, but I was sad for him too. Only thing I knew was that we wasn’t a greyhound because he didn’t come out from behind the wall and play with us.

All week we were all thinking about that poor dog and finally Mom asks Dad if she can go get him. Dad said yes. So on Friday Mom goes and gets this dog and now I know what he looks like. He is small and cute and acts like a puppy, not like a grown up like me. He looks like a mini Petey, except he is black and Petey is white.

Mom and Dad are taking care of him until they find out who wants to love him. They named him Bailey, I don’t know why. I think Mom and Dad already love him—they go outside and play with him. I met him too, but I don’t know if I love him yet. He keeps wanting to jump on me and I don’t like that.

Mom and Dad messed up Spend A Day; it’s not come home with a Stray. It’s eat a hot dog and save a fast dog.

Dogs without no homes get no roos, but people who save dogs get 5 roos . . . I don't know, I'm so confused. I hope Bailey gets a home soon.