Sunday, February 10, 2013

Rooing Competition

Some people don’t know, but us Greyhounds “roo” when we are excited, being silly or when we want something. It’s fun and we can’t control ourselves. People like it and when they want us to do our roos, they will try to roo. Most of the time we’ll roo back to play along and be silly.

But people can’t roo as good as greyhounds.

The other day, Dad was rooing and he was trying to roo better than me! He was challenging me and I had to show him who was the better rooer.

Dad and me were playing and I would do one roo and Dad would do one roo. Then I would do three roos and Dad would do three roos. I even did three and a half roos—and half roos are hard to do—and Dad even did that. Right then I knew this was a serious competition. I bet the neighbors could hear us and wondered what the heck was going on. We were rooing very loud.

Finally, I got really close to Dad, almost nose to nose, looked him in the eyes, and gave out a bunch of loud roos. I don’t know how many, exactly—but no more than five roos. That’s the best. Mom was smiling and Petey was laughing. Dad knew I was the winner, that he couldn’t roo as good as me. Greyhounds roo better than people. Rooing competitions are fun. 4.5 roos.


  1. I sure hope you're Mom got that on video!!!

  2. Rooing is an art. Sky is really good at it. I am glad he found a roo buddy in his dad.
