Wednesday, January 23, 2013


The first time Dad saw me “roaching” he laughed so hard and took a bunch of pictures and put them on the Facebook. Other people laughed too and made comments, and “liked” it. Sometimes when I do it in the office, it looks like I just fell down next to the wall. It doesn’t hurt, it just looks really silly. Dad and I weren’t sure why I do that, so we got out the laptop and looked it up on the Google.

Turns out lots of greyhounds do that. The Google said it’s because we have really big chests and it’s comfortable to us. When we lie down, we try to dig up some space for our chests to rest comfortably. The Google says that it is called “roaching” because when we are doing it, we look like a dead cockroach. I’ve never seen a dead cockroach, so I’ll have to take the Google’s word on it. Do you think I look like a dead cockroach?

Either way, it’s pretty comfortable and I get good sleep that way. I usually have a big smile on my face. I give it 3.5 roos.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Cahoon in June

I get lots of comments about my funny ears. Sometimes one goes forward and one goes back, sometimes one goes up and the other goes sideways, and sometimes, when I want food, they both point left. Yes, they are ridiculous and people have noticed and said things all my life. They are not mean things; people are often smiling and laughing when they are saying them.

I learned to use them to my advantage and in June last year I brought a nice trophy home as the dog with the “funniest ears.” That’s right, I am the reigning “Cahoon in June” funniest ear champion.

I went there with my dad, just to do the typical “meet and greet” with the nice folks of Avon Lake. We were almost ready to leave when this nice lady asks my dad if I could enter a dog contest. Dad wasn’t sure about that until the lady said there was a category for “funniest ears.”

There were five dogs in my category and each dog had to show the judges their funny ears to decide whose ears were the funniest. I looked at the other ears and there were some funny ones—I even laughed at a couple of them—but I was pretty confident that mine were the funniest. Sure enough, they made the announcement . . . “Winner of the funniest ear category is Sky!” I was so excited; it was much more fun than winning a race—and a lot easier. I got a ribbon with a medal on it and a trophy and my dad got a bag full of dog stuff. I couldn’t wait to get home and show my mom. I stood up in the car the whole way home.

When I showed Mom, she laughed so hard, and she was happy for me too! She started going around and telling people what I had done. Winning a trophy is definitely worth 5 roos.

Friday, January 11, 2013

So much for resolutions

Well it took no time at all for me to break New Year resolution number one. Dad went out to feed the birds and took out a couple slices of old bread. I wanted some of the bread and Dad gave me and Petey a half of slice each. I ate mine right away, but Petey left his on the ground cause he did not want it yet. I thought he didn’t want it at all and I tried to take it. Right then and there, me and Petey had a demonstrated disagreement about the ownership of the bread and started wrestling with each other.

Dad was on the other side of the fence giving the rest of the bread to the birds. When he heard us, he came running. He was not happy with our behavior and we both got a good talkin’ to. We stopped right away, and I went right into the house but Dad was still upset. He said it was my fault, and that I shouldn’t try to take Petey’s food until Petey says it’s okay—and, Dad said, it’s probably never okay because Petey likes food as much as I do.

Dad was disappointed in me. He made me and Petey shake paws and be friends again. We didn’t hurt each other, we were boys being boys, but it scared Dad anyways. When we came in we didn’t get no treats. We’re not supposed to be wrestling with each other.

I owe my friend Petey an apology. No roos.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Smelly Petey

A few weeks ago, when it was still warm outside, Petey did it again. Even though he is older than me, he still don’t know that skunks are nothing to be messing with. Skunks will make you smelly if you get too close to them. The Google says that’s how the skunks protect themselves from animals that want to eat them.

Mom smelled the skunk before she saw him and knew right then and there that Petey was in trouble and went out yelling to get him. Dad was in the basement and heard Mom and came running too. Dad didn’t know what was wrong but ran outside to see what was going on. It was too late, Petey already had his run in with the skunk.

Mom asked Petey when he was going to learn his lesson, but he didn’t answer cause he was trying to get the smelly stuff off of him. Petey was not happy about what happened and was running around the yard all silly trying not to smell anymore.

That didn’t help much and Petey got a bath in the backyard right there where everyone can see him. I stayed in the house and tried to cover my nose. He was so smelly. Mom and Dad cleaned him up and Petey was unhappy for a few hours but then he got better. That is not a good story, I felt bad for Petey. He still smells a little. 0 roos.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everybody! Now that it’s 2013, I keep hearing about New Year resolutions. I didn’t know what a resolution was so I had to look it up on the Google. The Google said it means making a decision to do something. So I guess a New Year resolution means making a decision to do something in the New Year. It sounds fun and Dad said it’s important for me to set goals for myself, so here are my resolutions for 2013.

1. I want to be nicer to Petey. He is such a nice boy, but sometimes I push him out of the way when I need attention. We should take turns. He also wants to lie next to me. I should let him since we are friends.
2. I will try to let Mom and Dad sleep longer on the weekends—until 7:00 or 8:00 am. My Mom works hard all week and wants to sleep a couple of extra hours. But when the weekend comes I get so excited that Mom and Dad are home. I want them to get up and feed me and play with me.
3. I will try to not “shake” Dad down every time he goes in the kitchen. I know there are treats in the kitchen and when Dad goes in there, I come running hoping I get one. But I can’t get a treat every time. I get lots of treats already.
4. I will try to read more, so that I don’t have to look up so much stuff on the Google. I like learning.
5. I want to do more “Meets and Greets.” I want to get out in the community and tell everybody that they should adopt a greyhound like me. Maybe they will put that on their New Year resolution list, maybe they will write, “Adopt a new greyhound”!

What are your New Year Resolutions? I hope you achieve them and meet your goals. Happy New Year!

4 roos for 2013!