Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everybody! Now that it’s 2013, I keep hearing about New Year resolutions. I didn’t know what a resolution was so I had to look it up on the Google. The Google said it means making a decision to do something. So I guess a New Year resolution means making a decision to do something in the New Year. It sounds fun and Dad said it’s important for me to set goals for myself, so here are my resolutions for 2013.

1. I want to be nicer to Petey. He is such a nice boy, but sometimes I push him out of the way when I need attention. We should take turns. He also wants to lie next to me. I should let him since we are friends.
2. I will try to let Mom and Dad sleep longer on the weekends—until 7:00 or 8:00 am. My Mom works hard all week and wants to sleep a couple of extra hours. But when the weekend comes I get so excited that Mom and Dad are home. I want them to get up and feed me and play with me.
3. I will try to not “shake” Dad down every time he goes in the kitchen. I know there are treats in the kitchen and when Dad goes in there, I come running hoping I get one. But I can’t get a treat every time. I get lots of treats already.
4. I will try to read more, so that I don’t have to look up so much stuff on the Google. I like learning.
5. I want to do more “Meets and Greets.” I want to get out in the community and tell everybody that they should adopt a greyhound like me. Maybe they will put that on their New Year resolution list, maybe they will write, “Adopt a new greyhound”!

What are your New Year Resolutions? I hope you achieve them and meet your goals. Happy New Year!

4 roos for 2013!

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year Sky!
    Love your ideas for your resolutions!
