Sunday, May 19, 2013

Bad Words

So Saturday I am watching Dad cut the grass in the front yard. Dad’s cleaning up the place and we’re excited because Mom is coming home. I have to watch through the window ‘cause there is no fence in the front yard and I am not allowed where there is no fence to keep me safe.

While I am watching Dad, I see a kitty I know come around from the side of the house and head over across the road. I always notice kitties. Dad noticed the kitty too and was watching to make sure he crossed the road safely.

All of the sudden, I hear Dad starting to say something and notice a car coming down the road. Dad is yelling to the driver to watch out for the kitty—and he’s pointing at the kitty so the driver can see that it is in the middle of the road.

The driver did not pay attention to my Dad or the road cause he was headed straight for the kitty. We’re all getting scared and holding our breath cause he is not slowing down or anything. Sure enough, the driver hits the kitty and we can’t tell what happened to the kitty ‘cause it went running.

I was so sad for the kitty ‘cause he got hurt, and, oh boy, was my Dad mad. He was yelling and saying “rated R” words about that driver. My Dad don’t usually cuss, except when the Browns are playing, but he was saying bad words really loud and didn’t care if anyone heard him.

Dad said he knows that sometimes animals get hit by cars on accident, but he was mad ‘cause there was no excuse to hit this nice kitty. There was nothing going on. No cars in the streets, no kids playing, it wasn’t raining, it wasn’t dark . . . it was just the road and a kitty in the middle of the road trying to walk to the other side. That man wasn’t paying attention to where he was going.

Dad says people need to stop being distracted when driving, especially in neighborhoods. People need to slow down and look in both directions—you never know when a kitty or a greyhound or a kid on a bike will come out into the road.

I feel very sorry for that kitty. He didn’t do nothing to that man to deserve to get run over. We haven’t seen that kitty so we don’t know if he is alive or not. The neighbor went looking for it, but couldn’t find it. Me and Dad were very upset the rest of the day.

Seeing a kitty get hit by a distracted driver is 0 roos.

Update: I saw my Dad talking with the neighbor today and he came in and told me good news. The kitty is okay! The neighbor said that the kitty is doing okay and staying away from the road. Me and Dad haven't seen the kitty so we were worried and thought the worst. The neighbor said they saw the driver when it happened and he had his head down like he was looking at his phone. I hope he learned a lesson too! The kitty gets 4 roos for being okay!


  1. Oh Sky, I'm so sorry you and your Dad had to witness that.
    I hope the kitty is ok, and hope that you and your Dad are doing

  2. Sky, I am so sorry that you had to see this. Your father showed tremendous restraint. I know, I would not have been able to. I would of uttered some XXXX words, myself!
    I'll be keeping that kitty in my thoughts & prayers...

    any mouse
