Tomorrow I have to say goodbye to my Mom. Not forever, just for a week. She has been working really hard and did all her homework so she is allowed to go on vacation for a week. She is going to Panama City to get a tan and talk to the dolphins. Mom loves dolphins and has pictures of them all over the house. She loves them almost as much as she loves me!
Dad is staying home to take care of me and Petey. We’ll probably do some “man” stuff that we are not allowed to do when mom is home. We’ll drink beer and burp. After we burp, we'll laugh like it’s really funny. After Petey burps he has that goofy “Weekend at Bernie’s” look on his face. We’ll probably turn the music up real loud and do hip-hop dances. We’re going to make messes and not clean them up and watch lots of ball games in the living room (roo, roo Tribe!).
We’ll probably get lots of human treats and I bet me and Dad will play lots of fetch outside. We’ll probably stay up past our bedtime, watch a rated “R” movie and then have pizza for breakfast! We just have to remember to clean up before Mom gets home and then act like we were good boys the whole time she was gone.
Okay . . . we probably won’t do all those things, I think I have been watching too much reality television.
I hope Mom has a nice vacation and I’ll miss her. I bet she’ll be telling Sky stories on the long ride to Florida.
Mom going on vacation is 4.0 roos.
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