Monday, April 14, 2014

Spend A Day is almost here!

If you’re like me, you’re counting down the days to Spend A Day . . . With A Grey. It’s the best day of the year for us greyhounds from ESGAO. Mom and Dad and many other nice folks are working hard to make it a special day. I heard some of the stuff they were saying cause I got to go to the planning meeting. That was a fun day too . . . I was playing with Rollie and Macho and gosh so many friends. For a while Rollie was chasing a tractor and I was chasing Rollie and Macho was chasing me. We were being so silly!

I heard April is also National Adopt a Greyhound month. I looked it up on The Google and it’s true! I was adopted in April two years ago, one day before my mom’s birthday! That will always be a special day for me. Please adopt three greyhounds, or as many as you can, every April!

I am going to have my own Five Roos table again, so you can come see me and say hello. My cute friend Kelsey is coming to help me with my table. She is a very nice girl. If I am napping, just say my name, “Sky,” and I’ll hop right up to meet you. I will have my t-shirts for sale for my loyal fans. It has my picture on it and they won’t cost very many dollars. I also have some super cute can covers for sale.

We’re also going to play games, eat treats and roo real loud. If you have a lucky ticket, you can win $500 worth of gas. If you don’t want gas, you can give that to me cause Dad says gas for the SUV costs a lot of dollars. There is also a silent auction, but it is not really silent, you’re allowed to talk and roo. I double checked it.

Please come see me! I’ll give each person who comes and says hello to me five roos!

1 comment:

  1. It was fun seeing you at the planning meeting Sky... It's been a while since I've seen you!
